bind Console Command

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bind Command


This command allows you to assign a specific action or command to a particular key.

bind [keycode] [command]
Remove brackets [ ] from the command.



The Unity keycode you want to bind a custom command to.


The command you want to bind.

In-Depth Description

The bind command in Valheim is used for assigning actions to keys.

This function is a part of many games, allowing players to customize their control scheme to their preferred layout.

This can be incredibly helpful for making the game control more intuitively, by assigning the game's functions to keys they are comfortable with.

This command is followed by two parameters. The first parameter is the key and the second one is the name of the command.

It's recommendable to use this command when you want to arrange your controls more comfortably because these settings can cater to your comfort and convenience while playing the game.

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Quick Overview

The bind command in Valheim allows you to assign or bind a specific action or command to a certain key on your keyboard.

This can be very useful for quickly activating frequently used actions or commands without having to manually input them each time.

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