clear Console Command

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clear Command


This command clears the text within the console window.


In-Depth Description

The clear command is used to clear the console window of any text or commands that have been previously entered.

When you've been using the console command feature frequently, the console can get crowded with numerous entries, making the screen cluttered and potentially causing confusion or difficulty in tracking your command history.

The clear command helps to maintain a clean and organized console screen, ensuring a smoother and more efficient gameplay experience. This command doesn't affect the gameplay in any way, it solely helps in organizing your console window visually.

It's a good practice to use the clear command when the console window becomes too cluttered or if a player wants to get rid of all the previous command entries. This might be useful if the console window is full or if the player wants to eliminate any likelihood of confusion or misused commands.

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Quick Overview

This clear command is used to clear all the text or commands that have been previously entered or displayed in the console window.

This helps maintain a neat and tidy console window, making it easier to see and use the new commands.

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