clearstatus Console Command

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clearstatus Command


This command removes all active status effects, both positive and negative.


In-Depth Description

The clearstatus command is a status effect clearing function. When you use this command, what it does is nullify or clear all the active status effects, regardless if they are adverse or beneficial, on your character.

Here's why it can be useful. In Valheim, you can encounter a variety of status effects depending on the foods you eat, the damage you receive, and the environments you come across.

Some of these effects positively influence your game by increasing your health, stamina, or other stats. Conversely, other effects can be detrimental, causing harm or reducing your efficiency.

If, during your gameplay, you find yourself being hobbled by a negative status effect, using clearstatus could instantly eliminate this obstacle. However, it's important to remember that it will also remove your positive status effects.

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Quick Overview

The clearstatus command cleanses your character of any active effects it may be under during gameplay.

These effects can be either beneficial buffs or detrimental debuffs.

When you use this command, it will immediately remove all such effects, returning your character to a neutral state.

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