dpsdebug Console Command

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dpsdebug Command


This command toggles the dps debug print on and off.


In-Depth Description

The dpsdebug command toggles the damage per second (DPS) debug print. Debug prints, in gaming, are messages from the game's code giving you information about what's going on internally in the game.

When activated by entering dpsdebug in the console, the game will start displaying data about damage per second being dealt by players or creatures.

This can provide useful insights into how different weapons, attacks, or strategies are performing in real-time, which can be particularly beneficial in helping to develop or modify strategies and understand your effectiveness during battles.

To toggle off the command, you simply need to input the same command dpsdebug again. This will stop the DPS data from displaying.

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Quick Overview

The dpsdebug command in Valheim is used to toggle the damage per second (DPS) debug print.

When this feature is switched on, it provides real-time information about the DPS being inflicted or sustained, which can help players analyze and optimize their performance in the game.

Turning the command off will hide DPS information.

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