event Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

event Command


This command triggers the specified event. View all event IDs here: valheimcheats.com/event.

event [event ID]
Remove brackets [ ] from the command.


The ID of the event you want to start.


Here are examples of how to use event.

event bats

This command will start the event 'Bats' which lasts for 120 seconds.

event blobs

This command will start the event 'Blobs.'

In-Depth Description

The event command is a console command that is used to trigger in-game events manually in Valheim.

Each event is associated with a unique Event ID, which you will need to specify to trigger the desired event. View all event IDs here: valheimcheats.com/event.

For example, using the command event army_goblin would initiate a goblin attack. These event commands can be very helpful when you want to control the pacing and challenge of the game, or to test your homestead defenses.

They can allow you to face harder encounters earlier or repeat fights for more of a challenge or rewards.

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Quick Overview

The event command is used to start a specific game event manually.

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