ghost Console Command

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ghost Command


This command toggles ghost mode where enemies ignore the player.


In-Depth Description

The ghost command enablesor disables ghost mode. By using this command, you switch your state from a "visible" character to an "invisible" one, as far as enemies in the game are concerned.

When you use this command, the enemy creatures in the game will cease to be aware of your presence and will no longer attack you. This gives you the advantage of being able to move around the game universe unharmed.

You become essentially a ghost, observant but unobserved, safe from any attacks. This can be especially useful when you want to explore dangerous areas, or if you are in a situation where you are being overwhelmed by enemies.

However, keep in mind that while in ghost mode, it's still possible to receive damage from environmental factors like falling, fire, drowning, freezing or other such hazards. The ghost command only impacts how the enemies behave towards you.

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Quick Overview

The ghost command activates or deactivates a mode where the player becomes invisible or non-existent to all enemies.

When this mode is active, enemies will not see or attack the player. They will behave as if the player is not there at all.

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