goto Console Command

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goto Command


This command teleports the player to given coordinates.

goto [x] [z]
Remove brackets [ ] from the command.



The X-coordinate you want to teleport to.


The Y-coordinate you want to teleport to.

In-Depth Description

The goto command is used to teleport the player to a set of specific coordinates within the game.

This particular command requires two values to work; specifically, the X and Y coordinates of the destination. The syntax to use the command would be like so: goto [X] [Y].

This command can be extremely helpful in several situations. For instance, if there's a particular part of the map you wish to explore without traversing a large distance, you can simply use the goto command to move your character there immediately.

This can be particularly useful if you're trying to avoid fighting through hordes of monsters to reach a specific point or if you need to relocate quickly should you find yourself in a precarious situation.

Taking advantage of the goto command can greatly minimize your in-game travel time, thereby allowing you to spend more time on other aspects of gameplay such as crafting, building, and combat.

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Quick Overview

The goto command is used to teleport the player to specific coordinates within the game.

Players would use it in together with the coordinates they wish to teleport to.

For example, typing goto 200 300 would teleport the player to the in-game coordinates of 200, 300.

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