hidebetatext Console Command

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hidebetatext Command


This command toggles the visibility of any beta-related text in the game.


In-Depth Description

The hidebetatext command in Valheim is used to toggle the visibility of any beta-related text or messages within the game.

Beta text refers to any preliminary messages, warnings, or any text provided by the developers that are related to the game's beta phase, or testing phase.

These messages may include information about new features in the testing phase, bugs the developers are aware of, or various other advisories and warnings that have not been finalized yet.

By default, this text is visible, but if players find them to be distracting or irrelevant they can use this command to hide the messages.

This can be especially useful in situations where the beta text is obstructing your view or distracting you during gameplay. You can enter this command whenever you wish to hide or reveal those messages. You simply need to type hidebetatext into the console.

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Quick Overview

The hidebetatext command is used to either hide or show any text in the game that is related to its beta version.

If there are any beta labels or other texts present, using this command will make them disappear. If they are already hidden, using this command will make them visible again.

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