killtame Console Command

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killtame Command


This command eliminates all nearby tamed creatures.


In-Depth Description

The killtame command instantly eliminates all tamed creatures within the vicinity of your character. This means any creatures you've so-far tamed and can control in the game will instantly die.

You may want to use this command in several instances. For example, if you've tamed too many creatures and you are struggling to take care of all of them, or they’re just occupying too much space, or if they're causing performance issues due to their numbers, you might find the killtame command useful. It provides an option for a quick clean-up.

Another scenario where this command might come in handy is when a tamed creature blocks your character or interferes with your gameplay due to its physical location. You can quickly resolve the issue without resorting to in-game violence.

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Quick Overview

The killtame command will instantly kill all tamed creatures that are within the proximity of the player.

These can include tamed wolves, boars, or any other creatures that the player has managed to domesticate.

Therefore, this command should be used with caution as it will result in the loss of any tamed creatures near the player.

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