save Console Command

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save Command


This command forces the game to immediately save any current progress.


In-Depth Description

The save command in Valheim is used to immediately save your current progress in the game.

When this command is used, any actions or changes you've made since the last autosave are permanently stored in the game's memory.

This includes things like structures you've built, resources you've gathered, damage you've dealt to enemies, or any in-game accomplishments.

The command can be very useful in situations where you’ve done a lot of work and want to make sure nothing is lost due to a possible game crash, power failure, or similar unexpected issues.

It can also be helpful if you're about to attempt something risky and want to ensure you don't lose previous progress if it doesn't go as planned.

Valheim auto-saves every 20 minutes by default, but certain events or accomplishments might prompt you to save sooner. It allows you to control when a save happens beyond the game's autosave system.

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Quick Overview

The command save is used to manually trigger an immediate save of your current game progress.

It ensures that all the actions, achievements, and changes you have made up to that point are stored and can be returned to even after you exit the game or encounter a problem.

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