resetskill Console Command

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resetskill Command


This command resets a specified skill level to zero. View all skill IDs here:

resetskill [skill]
Remove brackets [ ] from the command.


The ID of the skill you want to reset.

In-Depth Description

The resetskill command in Valheim is used for resetting a specific skill back to zero.

The usage of the command requires inputting the respective skill ID like this: resetskill [skill ID].

Once inputted and executed, it revokes all the progress that you have made towards that specific skill.

The primary function of the resetskill command is to allow players to redo their progress with a particular skill. It's essentially wiping the slate clean for that skill and beginning again from zero.

This can be helpful in a situation where a player made undesired progress in a particular skill or if they want to re-experience the progression with that skill from scratch.

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Quick Overview

The resetskill command allows you to reset a particular skill back to its base level of zero.

To use this command, you need to specify the name of the skill that you want to reset after the command.

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